Home Decorating

Home Decorating After the Holidays

Posted on Jan 08, 2024 in Home Decorating

The Christmas Season is officially over. You probably have packed the decorations away for another year. I still see a few sparkling twinkle lights and lit Christmas trees through the windows of some homes, owners reluctant to end the season, especially this one touched by cold, flu and respiratory bugs that are going around.. We all react differen...

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Christmas Decorating to Lift Your Spirits

Posted on Dec 15, 2023 in Home Decorating

Merry Christmas 
None of us knows what the next couple of weeks will bring as the experts watch the numbers, carefully monitoring the  numbers for the latest respiratory ailment. It has been a rough year for many and may continue to be. Our hearts go out to all those who have suffered in so many different ways. Those who have lost a loved one or had a family tragedy...

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Outdoor Christmas Cheer to Welcome Guests to Your Home

Posted on Dec 11, 2023 in Home Decorating

Welcoming Urn at Front Door
We all see the beautiful outdoor planters at the Nurseries for sale. If you can buy a couple for your home, great but if the budget is a little stretched right now with other Christmas expenses, this may not be an option for your budget. Some things cannot be skipped, like extra food for visiting family and guests. Maybe those planters will just ha...

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Kitchen Renos to Increase Home Values

Posted on Sep 12, 2023 in Home Decorating

Welcome to my Kitchen

Thinking of selling your home or considering a purchase? A modern stylish kitchen makes everybody's favorite place much more inviting. It is where family and friends often congregate for a meal, a cup of coffee, a friendly chat, a game of card or your favorite board game when friends visit. You may not want to, or are able to, change the architectu...

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Home Renovations

Posted on Feb 01, 2023 in Home Decorating

Home Renovating

Today, there are so many TV show about renovating that homeowners get the bug to transform their own homes. If you like your neighborhood and your home has possibilities for expansion, it is a good option. The experts however, make it look easy and their prices seem to be pretty good! The problem is that many of us do not have the expertise to hand...

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Transform your Home Interior

Posted on Jan 31, 2022 in Home Decorating

Paint colors

We are in the middle of a dreary February. After all the bright lights of Christmas and the sparkling decorations, it may seem like your home needs a little perk. I know my wife always loves to get the house back to normal after the holidays but our 'no sunshine days' can take its toll. Your home interior may need a facelift. You are not in the mar...

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