Fall in Chatham-Kent

I have heard people talk about taking a driving vacation through the East Coast States and the beautiful colors of the trees in Vermont and Maine in the Fall. If you are like my wife and myself, it is on our Bucket List but, to date, we have not had the time or more truthfully, made the time, to enjoy the trip. Life is a choice, I believe. Whatever the case with you, if you have not been there, you are in luck. Kent County has many beautiful fall scenes to enjoy. 
My wife and I were in Michigan a couple of weeks ago and the trees there were ahead of our area with all the beautiful Fall colors. We have had some warm temperatures here in Kent County but it seems like overnight the landscape changed and the leaves fell in droves. We were driving in a treed subdivision last week and it looked like it was snowing with the leaves coming down off the trees in their bright oranges and red hues.
 Kent Country in particular has many wooded areas that can give us a showcase of fall colors if we just stop to enjoy the views. Rondeau Provincial Park is an area that my wife used to take her grandmother to before she passed. She was 93 years old when she died and used to enjoy nature so much, the Spring flowers, the bright Summer colors and the rich varying shades of Fall colors, the simple things in life! Fall Produce and flowers
Take a drive and see for yourself.  
If you are out to enjoy the sites, stop at one of the many Kent Country orchards and pick up some apples or fall vegetables, purchase a fresh baked pumpkin or apple pie or stop at Parks Blueberry Farm along #2 Hwy and enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece of their excellent home made Blueberry Pie.

Halloween Display
Enjoy Kent Country and all it has to offer now in this colorful Fall Season and in all the seasons. My Motto for Chatham-Kent is 'IT IS ALL HERE ALL YEAR' Call me, Wayne Liddy 519-436-4810 ReMax Preferred Realty for all your Real Estate needs and visit my website for Events, Happenings and Choice Properties for sale in this great Affordable Community.