I promised you I would keep you up to date on all the great events happening this summer in Chatham-Kent. The weekend of July 7-10 is power packed so get your walking shows on and be prepared to have some family fun.
This great weekend kicks off with the Chatham Ribfest in Tecumseh Park on the shores of the Thames River in Chatham on Thursday July 7/2022 It will be a bigger and better party this year with lots to see and do. Admission is free. We have missed it and I am sure many of you have as well. Some new and some familiar ribbers will be there, additional crafts beers to sample, Art in the Park and live Entertainment beginning Thursday evening from 8:30-11 P.M. with the Southwind Buoys.

There are also 4 more Chatham-Kent events.
Back this year:
Mitchells Bay Bass Tournament July 7-10/22
The Annual Wildwood by the Lake Antique Car and Bike Show on July 9/ 10-2 P.M. at their grounds near Morpeth.
The Ridgetown Rotary Antique Car Show
will take place Sunday July 10/22 at Watson Grove Park, Entrance off West St. Entrance. Fast food on-site.
The Ridgetown Rotary Antique Car Show

Merlin Legion Vintage Car. Truck, Motorcycle and Tractor Show Sunday July 10/ 9 A.M.-11 PM. with a 50/50 Raffle, Meat Draw and great food.
Chatham-Kent is the Affordable Lifestyle Location. The ideal area to live, work, raise a family or visit. Check my website for events Happening and choice listings in this great area. Call me today Wayne Liddy 519-436-4810 Royal LePage Peifer Realty Inc, Brokerage Chatham.

Chatham-Kent is the Affordable Lifestyle Location. The ideal area to live, work, raise a family or visit. Check my website for events Happening and choice listings in this great area. Call me today Wayne Liddy 519-436-4810 Royal LePage Peifer Realty Inc, Brokerage Chatham.