Valentine's Day February 14

 Vintage Valentine Card

Valentines Day Feb 14, is a day of celebrating love all over the world. Literally millions of expressions of love will be exchanged. Some prefer flowers, some candy, some gifts and some, a romantic night out. Whatever your choice, it is universally known as the day we show those we love how we feel.

Wikipedia says "Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine.[12] The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae).[13] Valentine of Rome[14] was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia."
Another legend added centuries later states that "on the evening before Valentine was to be executed, he would have written the first "valentine" card himself, addressed to the daughter of his jailer Asterius, signing as "Your Valentine." This expression "From your Valentine" is still used to this day.[This legend has been published......" ( wikipedia)
Well. there you have it. This is just some of the folklore about St. Valentine's Day. But regardless of the history, February 14 will be a busy day for all involved in the various expressions of love.

My wife and I attended  the 'Love By Candlelight" performance of the Saturday's at 7 series this past weekend at St. Andrew's Church here in Chatham. What an evening! Talk about the perfect preparation for Valentines Day. The church was filled with white candles all lit, the lights dimmed and the entertainment superb. The variety of performers treated the audience to a medley of  love songs, many of which the audience loved and certainly recognized. If you have never attended this series you have certainly missed some wonderful talent displayed right here in our own Municipality. Check it out. Hopefully they will repeat a variation of this evening next year at this time. Music Director Devon Hanson bring evening like this to our city as well as other spectacular events. Don't miss them.

Chatham-Kent will be flurry of activity this week. The restaurants will probably be full on Wednesday night and the Chocolate and Flower shops alike will have a flurry of activity.
Valentine Boxed ChocolatesChatham-Kent is the Affordable Lifestyle community, the perfect location to retire to, relocate to or raise a family. Take advantage of that affordability and support our local Business Owners while you spoil your honey this Valentine's Day. Visit my Chatham-Kent website for events, happening and choice Real Estate for Sale in this great community.