Are you one of those people who used to read and today's busy world has changed all that? Where have the days gone when you can pick up a book, either fiction or otherwise and just enjoy some me time. Did you used to read your favorite magazine subscription cover to cover or really read the newspaper instead of skimming the articles? If you are honest with yourself I think all of us have cut down or eliminated our reading. But how do we justify the time you ask? The Covid-19 Virus has changed all that. In our changing world when we are honoring social distancing, and many of us are working from home or sadly finding themselves out of work, why not use your time at home to read something interesting or educational, not just negative news.
I read an article recently about the benefits of being an avid reader. And yes, it does justify your time spent! Here goes and I will put it in short form so you can get back to reading that favorite book that has been sitting on your desk or your night table for months
.1) Emory University researchers discovered in a recent study that reading a good book can improve brain function in various ways. Apparently,reading a fictional novel can improves connectivity in the brain. In addition, reading a fictional novel can help people relate to others in both the present and the future. Who knew?
2) Researchers at the Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago found that reading is one of a handful of mentally stimulating activities that can actually slow down memory decline. Those studied who engaged in mentally stimulating activities such as reading even showed some benefits if they had exhibited some symptoms of brain damage commonly associated with Alzheimer's and dementia.
3) Reading can reduce stress. University of Sussex in England found in a study conducted in 2009 that reading could reduce stress by up to 68%. Reading can transport the individual from his or stressful environment almost immediately. I believe, in todays' environment versus 6 years ago the need is even greater for an occasional escape.
4) Reading can help people get a more restful sleep. Tablet reading, which has become popular in recent years, activates brain function as a result of the light that emanates from the electronic devise. Old fashioned print books on the other hand, have a relaxing benefit to the brain, if one reads before falling asleep.
Interesting, I thought!
Now, instead of feeling guilty when we sit down and lose ourselves in a good old fashioned story., remember the benefits of being a reader and Enjoy! Today more than ever during this Covid lock-down, reading can provide the lift we all need.