We in Chatham-Kent are very fortunate and grateful to have this 10 bed facility in our community. Since its opening in April 2016 it's presence in our community has been a God-sent. Many of us, unfortunately, have had a loved one, a family friend or someone we know, spend their last days in a Hospital Bed or even at home with family members becoming the caregivers. I do not, in any way, mean to imply that this is not alright. Many have had a good experience although others have not. Often family and friends have jobs and cannot be there as much as they would like. The palliative care ward at the Hospital is small and understaffed. If we look at a home scenario, we often hear family member say their role as partner, husband or wife or child gets lost in the bedside caregiver role. Hospice does not only gives the terminally ill a comfortable home like setting, it also provides for the family, giving professional help to them in their time of need. Foremost is the patients state of mind. Often, if they are in their own home they begin to feel like a burden and an obstacle for their family to live their lives. A hospice can provide so much to the patient and the family. I have not personally experienced the exceptional care at the hospice but have heard wonderful praise about the facility itself, the above and beyond caring of the staff and volunteers.
The Benefit Gala help annually in October had to be be cancelled this year due to the Covid -19 pandemic. The proceeds from that event have always been a part of donations that cover the cost of the Hospice Operating Budget. Donations cover 50% of operating costs at the Hospice. In lieu of the Gala, an event was help on September 24 livestreamed on Facebook and YourTV asking for donations. Chairperson of the event, Randi Bokor Caron said they were overhwelmed with gratitiude by the generosity and kindness of the support they received. The broadcast contained testimonials from families who have experienced first hand the support provided by the Hospice, video performances by local artisits and prizes donated by local business' The event raised $131,000 Donations are still being accepted at chathamkenthopspice.com. Congratulations Chatham-Kent for rising to the challenge to support this great facility right here in our own communtiy I know there are always plenty of charities to give to but this is a truly Chatham-Kent cause and one that I believe very worthy of our support. We never know when we may may experience the situation first hand. Give if you can.